Paul And The Meanie - Red Girl Single Review

Paul And The Meanie are a 3 piece indie funk act from Co. Armagh. The band is comprised of Daragh McSloy, Cormac Daly and Jack Leeman. Having won 1st place at The Great Belfast Busk Off in 2018 and Best Performance at Banbridge Buskfest 2018, the three lads self produced their Yellow Bedroom Demo EP which was recorded in Daragh's bedroom. Now they have begun working with Half Bap Studio in Belfast and have just released their first single "Red Girl". "Red Girl" is both slow and fast in equal measures. It's a funky indie track which descends into some superb heavy rock. The vocals are top notch, the guitar is heavy, the drums are sublime and the bass is Fleaesque (or Flea ridden?). It reminds me very much of The Hives as well. The song is full of energy and style. Follow Paul And The Meanie at: Instagram Facebook