Rumi - Moi Single Review

Rumi is the brand new musical outlet of Julianne Murray. After finishing studies at Limerick IT in music and tech, Julianne formed musical duo A Dream, The Night who received high praise from many in the music industry. As Rumi, she has now created an electro, pop, synth sound which Julianne says allows her to create beautiful pieces of music. Rumi's debut single "Moi" is an incredibly chilled out dance track. From the very beginning, you're drawn in to the introspective nature of the lyrics and meditative beat. The song clocks in at 5:18 but to be honest, if "Moi" went on for 45 minutes nobody would mind. It's literally that good. There's a pretty cool video for the single as well which was directed by Alan Flynn. "Moi" will be released on March 31st so not too long for you to wait. Follow Rumi on social media: Facebook Instagram